Getting through the day can be difficult for many people. When you are trying to run a successful business, it only gets harder and harder. No matter how you define success, sometimes it feels like it is way beyond your reach. As such, we have gathered some of the best pieces of advice from successful people.
We have dug around the net to bring you the advice that some successful entrepreneurs gave to other people, and they should work fine for you as well. Therefore, give them a read and create your own opinion. We honestly believe that anybody can apply these pieces of advice to their businesses and improve their chances to make it big.
Steve Jobs: You do not know how things will end, believe in your future.
One of the most famous quotes by Steve Jobs was the whole speech called "connect the dots." We learn to cherish the patience and believe in ourselves as it tells us that we cannot understand how things happen by "looking forward." Once all is said and done, we can only connect the conclusions.
All that you can do is believe that somehow, all the dots will connect in the future. Believe it or not, the speech is about how he once dropped on a calligraphy class which he believes is the only reason for the success of his company. We all know he made it big. At the moment of his death, his net worth was estimated to be over 10 billion dollars. That calligraphy class is what gave us the typography Apple is known for and that Windows later copied. One single class has formed the way everything looks today.
Steve Wozniak: You must love what you do
Steve Wozniak, Apple's co-founder, has given the world his reflection upon the creation of Macintosh, telling us about how many sleepless and lonely nights he spent working and thinking about what he wanted to build. He has told us that everything he had to do was worth it because he loved his project that much. He has also said that if you love your work and you are willing to do what must be done, your goal is within your reach. Well, at least it was worth it for Wozniak whose net worth is estimated to be more than 100 million dollars.
And he could have had more but was very generous to his friends, not wanting any more money. To be fair, why would he want more?
Mark Cuban: Work hard
Mark Cuban is a serial entrepreneur most famous for his investments into "Shark Tank." His net worth is estimated to be over 3.3 billion dollars, and his biggest advice is that there are no shortcuts. You have to work and work more than everybody else. You have to outthink everybody else, and you need to find a way to "outsell your expectations."
Barbara Corcoran: Be likable
Barbara Corcoran is a perfect example of making it from scratch. When she was 23, she asked her boyfriend to give her a loan for a 1000 dollars so she can start a small real estate company in New York City. While her own net worth is estimated to be over 40 million dollars, the business she started is now a five billion dollar real estate group. Her advice? People enjoy doing business with people they like. Therefore, make yourself likable, and people are going to want to do business with you.
Mark Zuckerberg: You have to take some risks
Mark is the founder of Facebook and today, one of the richest people alive. His net worth is estimated to be around 70 billion dollars. Zuckerberg firmly believes that the only thing that guarantees failure is not taking any risks.
Warren Buffett: Build a reputation
With a net worth of around 75 billion dollars, we all know that Warren Buffett is one of the most successful business magnates that ever walked this Earth. Be fair, once someone is given nicknames like "the Wizard" or "the Sage" you know he is a person you should listen very closely. So what did he say? He reminded us that, to build a reputation, it will take you 20 years. And to destroy it? Five minutes. Once you start thinking about that from time to time, you will motivate yourself to do things differently.