Are you seeking a job right now? If yes, you must be aware of some of the recent career fairs. Today, we’re here to talk about one such event that’s of particular interest to aspirants, the GMIT career fair. This time, thanks to the pandemic, the event took place virtually.
Oh! Did you miss it? Well, there’s no need to worry ‘coz we’re here to help. Join us as we apprise you of the key highlights.

Microsoft Blog | The GMIT virtual career fair held on Oct 5 offered numerous benefits for students and graduates
Why attend a career fair?
There are numerous benefits to attending a career fair, including network growth, gaining knowledge about the field you want to enter, sharpening your job search skills, and much more. Plus it helps brush up your communication skills as well.
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About GMIT career fair
Every sector has undergone operational changes due to the pandemic this year. The GMIT career fair was no different. The event was conducted online for the first time on October 5 on and through the career fair app. The motive behind it, like all career fairs, was to let students get an opportunity to connect with prospective employers.
The platform helped in bringing employers and students virtually together to provide them with an opportunity to connect and discuss possibilities.

TechRepublic | Several leading organizations made appearances at the fair including Cisco, Ericssion, and more
If you attended the event, you probably noticed the industry range that is offered to participants. Companies from different sectors such as construction, business, agriculture, business, accounting, science, engineering, and software were on board. The discussion was centered on the employment opportunities and placements while offering plenty of tips for students to succeed.
Several returning companies at the event are regular participants at other career fairs such as Fidelity investment, Ericsson, Musgraves, Cisco, and others. The students had the facility to pre-book virtual appointments with their coveted employers to have conversations and know opportunity details.
Bridie Killoran, GMIT career officer, reflected on the event’s aim by saying that this channel was put in place to bring new and unique work opportunities for graduates and students all across the world. The event also aimed to support local and regional enterprises.
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As a completely new concept, a “drop-in room” facility was introduced at the event with which students found the best opportunity ever to e-meet an employer representative directly. Not every event presents such a chance, but GMIT made it possible. Besides, there was information available on postgraduate studies as well.
GMIT career service’s Fiona O'Donnell pitched in on the event’s purpose by saying that students should be able to research before entering into a field and get the best out of the meeting. And that’s what such events are all about.

The Confident Career | The event also included a unique 'Drop-in Room' facility through which aspirants could directly interact with employer representatives
Final words
Career fairs offer ample job opportunities that no other event can. With that said, the GMIT career was an opportunity magnet that brought forth endless opportunities for students and fresh graduates. If you’re facing a serious dilemma about your career, we hope you don't miss their next fair.