Celebryci przyłapani bez makijażu udowadniają, że kosmetyki to tylko kolejny trick upiększający
Kosmetyki, a czasami Photoshop, to najlepsi sprzymierzeńcy celebrytów w trakcie wystąpień publicznych. Ich cechą wspólną jest niebywała zdolność do przemiany...
Ami CicconeMay 4, 2020 -
Avete idea dei patrimoni netti delle celebrità? Siete pronti a rimanere stupiti per le cifre? Ecco una carrellata che ci svela l’ammontare delle loro ricchezze.
Quando bravura e bellezza bussano alla porta sicuramente è un successo. Molte celebrità hanno avuto entrambe queste doti, decretando una carriera...
Ami CicconeApril 22, 2020 -
Hollywood’s Golden Era Stars Who Live in Houses More Incredible Than Any A-List Celebrity
Some of these legendary artists might have fallen a bit under the radar or they might be starring in the next...
Ami CicconeApril 22, 2020 -
Funny and Creative Anti Coronavirus Masks
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and with lockdown happening across the globe, ordinary things we do in...
Ami CicconeApril 17, 2020 -
Ecco cosa stanno facendo le tue celebrità preferite durante questo strano periodo per il mondo
Tutto il mondo è chiuso nelle proprie case e la situazione ha lasciato spiazzata l’intera umanità. Una delle soluzioni per diffondere...
Ami CicconeApril 1, 2020 -
Muitas celebridades são amantes de carros de luxo, outras apenas gostam de esbanjar toda sua fortuna em veículos que custam mais...
Ami CicconeMarch 31, 2020 -
Here’s An Overview Of The Most Fatal Virus’ Our Fragile World Has Ever Suffered – Where Corona Stands Isn’t Looking Great
Viruses. We can’t see them, but we can feel their dreadful impact. In 2020, the Coronavirus outbreak is shocking the world by...
Ami CicconeMarch 13, 2020 -
You can’t put a price on love, but if there’s one thing we’ve learned from celebrities, it’s the fact that no...
Ami CicconeMarch 10, 2020 -
Heartwarming Last Photos of Celebrities In Their Final Moments Before They Passed Away
Death is inevitable. No one can ever run away from it, not even our most beloved celebrities. After all, they are...
Ami CicconeFebruary 27, 2020 -
Top 30 Famous Twins You Keep Seeing All The Time
Many people are fascinated by twins. It is because they’re not that common, especially identical ones. Here are some of the most...
Ami CicconeFebruary 26, 2020